Set in 19th century Imperial Russia, the story revolves around a retired army veteran who makes a good living by settling duels for aristocrats, a common practice of the era.
Set in 19th century Imperial Russia, the story revolves around a retired army veteran who makes a good living by settling duels for aristocrats, a common practice of the era.
回复 :故事以二战末期为背景,讲述五人美军小队奉命守护一座法国古堡。不料城堡除了残余的敌军,一股超自然的邪恶力量也正在蓄势待发。小队众人也面临着比战场上更加残酷的威胁。
回复 :During a raging snowstorm, a drifter returns home to the blue-collar bar located in the remote Canadian town where he was born. When he offers to settle an old debt with a grizzled bartender by telling him a story, the night's events quickly spin into a dark tale of mistaken identities, double-crosses and shocking violence. You're not going to believe what happened at The Oak Room.
回复 :影片讲述二战后,玛雅(劳米饰)与丈夫(克里斯饰)在纽约重新开始生活。他们遇到了一个熟悉的男人(乔尔饰),他们的生活开始瓦解。这对夫妇想知道,他是不是那个在奥斯威辛集中营的军官。