Set in 19th century Imperial Russia, the story revolves around a retired army veteran who makes a good living by settling duels for aristocrats, a common practice of the era.
Set in 19th century Imperial Russia, the story revolves around a retired army veteran who makes a good living by settling duels for aristocrats, a common practice of the era.
回复 :《请不要救我》讲述了和妈妈两个人像逃亡一样在陌生的地方生活的12岁少女"善有"转学后在学校遇到天真烂漫的少年"正国"发生的故事。新锐导演郑妍京(音译)首部长篇电影处女作《请不要救我》获得了2017年首尔国际女性电影节专门为挖掘新晋女性电影人的“peach&catch”单元的电影大奖"megabox奖",从剧本阶段开始就备受关注。另外,《请不要救我》是推出了《断箭》,《南营洞1985》等给社会敲响警钟的沉重故事的AURA PICTURES负责制作,以新锐女导演的视线和忠武路摄影导演老手金亨九(音译)的完美配合诞生的《请不要救我》,有望以逆境中绽放的希望故事,给剧场带去沉甸甸的回响和温暖的安慰。
回复 :The story of a young woman who is recovering from a mental condition after she is severely attacked. The mental illness caused her to fight anxiety. And some stories that even she could not distinguish The image of fear is true or she is afraid of his subconscious mind.
回复 :一队摄制人员为寻访神秘的希里莎纳部落,正向神秘的亚马逊原始森林迈进。途中他们遇见已在森林里生活多年的“捕蟒专家”,他一直在追捕一条长达40英尺、凶猛而且狡猾的巨蟒。为了借助摄制组的力量,他以带路为借口,把摄制组带进这条巨蟒的领域。就这样,摄制组在毫无准备之下陷入了极度的危险之中……..