强奸Joe Thunderhorse, a Sioux Indian who has become the wealthy star of a Wild West show, returns home to his reservation after years away and finds that his father is dying and his people are being abused by corrupt white officials.
强奸Joe Thunderhorse, a Sioux Indian who has become the wealthy star of a Wild West show, returns home to his reservation after years away and finds that his father is dying and his people are being abused by corrupt white officials.
回复 :和传统传记片不同,这部《玛丽·雪莱的怪物》并不是古装片,而是一部融合了三角恋、惊悚、哥特式浪漫、性感等元素的,以现代手法拍摄的极具风格的电影。
回复 :瑞士导演贝蒂娜·奥波利执导新片[转向风](Le Vent Tourne,暂译)将于8月7日开拍。该片由梅兰妮·蒂埃里([舞女])、皮埃尔·德隆尚([湖畔的陌生人])、努诺·洛佩斯([圣乔治])主演。故事讲述一对夫妻,几年前接手了家中的农场,他们决心不惜一切代价保住土地。却因此使得两人的关系愈加不稳定。
回复 :玛丽安(莱娜·恩卓 Lena Endre 饰)和马库斯(Thomas Hanzon 饰)结婚多年,她对丈夫的激情早就被时光磨平,反倒是丈夫的朋友大卫(克里斯特·亨里克森 Krister Henriksson 饰)的身影渐渐吸引了玛丽安的注意。随着时间的推移,两人再也无法抑制内心里喷薄欲出的感情,走上了偷情的不归路。最终,玛丽安选择了和马库斯离婚,但是两人的孽缘并没有就此终结,因为他们还有一个孩子需要抚养,与此同时,早已经反客为主的大卫不断的因为玛丽安和马库斯接触而醋意横生。让玛丽安万万没有想到的是,马库斯竟然选择了自杀,强烈的罪恶感将她推至了崩溃的边缘。