亚洲区A struggling actor who seems doomed to lead the life of a loser. When finally gets a lead role as a superhero named "Badman," he feels like everything is possible but fate strikes again.
亚洲区A struggling actor who seems doomed to lead the life of a loser. When finally gets a lead role as a superhero named "Badman," he feels like everything is possible but fate strikes again.
回复 :金判秀被戏院开除后,为了儿子的学费而不得不去行窃,不料却失风被抓,被盗的主人正巧是朝鲜语学会的代表柳正焕。判秀阴错阳差地获得在朝鲜语学会工作的机会,处在母语被禁止的时代,两人于所剩不多的时间中,必须在日本帝国高层的监视下完成属于朝鲜的字典……
回复 :Set in the 1930s, an American with a scandalous reputation on both sides of the Atlantic must do an about-face in order to win back the woman of his dreams.
回复 :沙织(蔡卓妍 饰)与鲁娇(钟欣桐 饰)两个性格各异的少女因为租房子而认识,后来她们看到了一份可以提供住宿的工作,便欣然前往。她们为了争取到这份工作反目成仇,也认识了的士司机罗大(郑伊健 饰)。她们进入了神秘的大屋后,遇到了重重机关,原来是女侠黑玫瑰(毛舜筠 饰)想寻找徒弟,见她们在患难时都能互相帮助,便决定留下她们,更被关在了密室里,她们只要求助与罗大。两人见留在大屋里好吃好住便不愿离去,决定留下来接受训练对付紫藤女,在与神经质师父相处的过程中更是笑料百出。