回复 :在美国,超过1/3女性曾遭受性伤害,其中80%经历过创伤症候群。某日,美国南方,黑人女孩雷内莎在聚会后被性侵。当她决定开口向外求助,却发现自己无力地迷失在庞杂的医疗行政与司法系统之中。原本甜蜜稳定的恋爱关系,彷佛受到考验。本片以极其真实的镜头语言,重现许多女性曾被伤害的经历,反映过程中,女性经受的心理恐惧与无可言说的茫然感。缜密安排的剧情,除了碰触#MeToo运动所提出的核心问题外,更延伸讨论两性关系、父权体制、不健全的医疗制度,以及美国长久以来的种族问题。在导演精准的叙事表层下,埋藏着一颗颗后劲无穷的震撼弹。
回复 :老马因痛失儿子,对盗猎贼心怀仇恨,一度陷入了复仇的阴暗情绪之中,却逐渐被小谷的热诚和善良打动,最终重拾了希望。而盗猎贼则与老马截然相反,为一己私欲夺取无辜的生命,并为了复仇而一意孤行,最终以悲惨的结局收场。
回复 :Beauty contest winner Patricia Knight's one bid for screen stardom was Columbia's Shockproof. Knight plays Jenny Wright, a convicted murderess paroled in the care of probation officer Griff Marat (Cornel Wilde). What begins as an aloof professional relationship eventually blossoms into romance. The fly in the ointment is shady Harry Wesson (John Baragrey), the gambler who inveigled Jenny into committing murder. The girl is torn between creature comforts offered her by Wesson and the promise of a clean life offered by Griff. This early Douglas Sirk effort contains a smattering of the stylistic touches which distinguished his later work.The screenplay was written by famed director Samuel Fuller, known for his gritty realism and hard-boiled style.~ Hal Erickson, All Movie Guide