回复 :Catherine Bomarzini (Sherilyn Fenn), travels back to her family castle in Italy after her father's death. Overwhelmed with excitement, Catherine invites her best friend Gina (Charlie Spradling) to spend the weekend. Gina and Catherine discover a local carnival outside the castle gates. Curious they wander to the carnival to enjoy the show and acts. Pleased with the performance, Gina invites the head magician Lawerence (Malcom Jamieson) and his crew to the castle for dinner. Drugged and seduced, Catherine finds herself drawn into a mysterious love triangle with the handsome magician and a creature of the night whose gentle eyes and touch reveal his infinite love. Is this creature real or an illusion? Guided by the ghost of a slain ancestor and the advice of the castle caretaker Martha (Hilary Mason), Catherine discovers the ancient curse that enshrouds the Bomarzini Castle... a curse that only she can dispel.
回复 :故事发生在元朝时期,传奇刺客紫霞狼(申贤俊 饰)站在贵胄豪宅的房顶上,注视着那位让他毕生魂牵梦绕的女子,心中百感交集。许多年前,高丽族后代刘珍河卖艺人郭藏(奇周峰 饰)四处流浪,修习武功,他偶然在丛林里搭救了蒙古将军的女儿雪莉。两小无猜的男孩女孩成为好友,十年相守更让他们对彼此都有着深深的眷恋与牵绊。然而造物弄人,珍河不得不与雪莉(金喜善 饰)生离死别。雪莉被父亲左右,即将嫁给南宫家独子南宫俊光。学成绝世武功的珍河得知了自己的身世,他百转千回来到雪莉身边,无奈命运无法改变。成为紫霞狼的珍河与亲元派的南宫家势不两立,他不免与始终珍爱的雪莉渐行渐远……本片根据韩国漫画家金惠磷的原作改编。
回复 :吊儿郎当的吹牛辉答应暂时照顾昔日恋人李夕的儿子,代价是十万。后来发现是他亲生子且患有自闭症。从此改变了一生。当父子感情递增之际,迎来了李病逝消息。辉决定扛起做父亲的责任带着儿子奔向人生新一页?