回复 :NitroPlus x 松竹 最新原创动画「REVENGER复仇者」制作决定!
回复 :Nikki Fre$h is ready to rap with Quibi.The digital platform service run by Jeffrey Katzenberg and Meg Whitman announced today it’s teaming up with Nicole Richie and Jax Media on a comedy series titled Nikki Fre$h about Richie’s rapper alter ego.The series will show Nikki Fre$h bringing a new voice to wellness with a fresh style of music — “Parent Trap” — dropping socially conscious and educational rhymes on the world. She’ll interact with real-life wellness experts, while comedically exaggerating solutions to better health and a healthier planet.
回复 :电视动画《十二大战》改编自西尾维新原作、中村光插画的同名轻小说,于2017年3月宣布了TV动画化的消息。充满荣耀的十二战士的,血战记录——十二年一度开办的第十二回十二大战。拥有干支之名的十二名刚猛战士,赌上各自的性命与灵魂交战。参加者是“子”“丑”“寅”“卯”“辰”“巳”“午”“未”“申”“酉”“戌”“亥”十二名异样的战士。在此战中胜利者,能够实现任何一个愿望。无论如何都想要实现的唯一一个愿望——活到最后的是谁?在谋略与杀戮席卷的战场上,落下的是谁的眼泪?惊心动魄的混合大战,开战。