回复 :17岁的Coco自丧母后性情变得孤僻,又不能与疏离已久的离异父亲相处,身为反黑组沙展的刀片叔忽略沟通之道,只适以严厉管束,使Coco更为反叛,流连夜店,沉沦毒海。她认识了一位在黑社会罕有的正义人物阿箭,可惜世上所有人都想拆散他们。他们想回头却被新扎大佬追杀,阿箭被杀,Coco惨遭轮奸。刀片懂得关怀爱女已太迟,唯有以鲜血教导她回归正路……
回复 :1941年秋,占据安西的军阀尕司令预感自己即兵败,在星星峡抢劫了大批运往内地的新疆各界民众募捐的抗日物资,幸在鲜为人知的红草滩,以备东山再起。伤痕累累的尕司令逃脱了追匪化装成迷路的商客,被荒墩爷收留。渐渐养好伤后,他来到红草滩准备挖出埋藏在这里的财物时,却发现早已被荒墩爷挖走,顿时凶相毕露与荒墩爷展开博斗,最终尕司令被打死。哈娃子和沙红按荒墩爷的遗嘱将财物送到了设在迪化的八路军驻新疆办事处,粉碎了军阀司令东山再起的阴谋。
回复 :A comedy about two people with different world-views, from different places, whose fate, with the help from a bull Garonja (a name given to the black bulls in villages of Croatia), intertwine. Ante (Goran Bogdan) is a peasant from Dalmatian hinterland, a son of an bull fights organizer, and skilled insurance salesman. He is known by his powers of persuasion. At the voting for the Law for animal protection, biggest controversy is considering bull fights. Sonja (Judita Frankovic) is from Zagreb, an inveterate activist fighting for animal rights. In Dalmatian hinterland nobody can understand her attitude. They conclude that Sonja, regardless of the declared intense love of animals, would not dare stand in front of a bull. About Sonja and Anthony , the central pair who in his romantic comedy game going a little farther - a little back, a series of actions is carried out in the style of a wild untamed satire at the expense of local "yellow" media and important institutions such as the ...