回复 :二十世纪法国女作家薇奥丽,经过人生情感挫败以及与同性恋丈夫的短暂婚姻后,展开了写作生涯,并在巴黎遇见生命贵人西蒙波娃。当她捧着以半生爱欲写成的小说到波娃面前时,波娃被她的才华与自我挖掘的能量所吸引,决定帮她付梓出版。然而,薇奥丽也从这天起,无法抑止自己对西蒙波娃的迷恋,渴求更多的关注,无奈只能以文字升华一切。
回复 :The last year of life of the Italian-French painter Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) who died with 36 years, was played by Gérard Philipe, who was lethally sick during the shooting of this movie and died shortly after its release, 1959, with 36 years - on one of the two diseases that Modigliano had himself and exactly in his age. Further, this movie was directed by Jacques Becker - after the sudden death of Max Ophüls. Becker, too, died only 2 years after this movie.
回复 :维克多和女友玛丽生活在纽约,工作不顺、第一个孩子即将要出生,女友计划着买房和家具,一系列的压力让维克多喘不过气来。某天维克多再次遇见了在地铁站遇见的那个女人