高挑Follows Emily, who gets involved in a credit card scam after being saddled with debt, what pulls her into the criminal and deadly underworld of Los Angeles.
高挑Follows Emily, who gets involved in a credit card scam after being saddled with debt, what pulls her into the criminal and deadly underworld of Los Angeles.
回复 :David's comfortable world is turned upside down when his birthmother unexpectedly reaches out to him, longing to meet the 18-year-old son she's only held once.
回复 :本片讲述的是一群年轻人在生活、社会、情感的重压之下,仍旧义无反顾的追求自己音乐梦想的故事。
回复 :电影《盲人电影院》讲述的是无业青年陈语在贩卖盗版碟时被城管追赶,情急之下误入一家只为盲人放映电影的“电影院”,与电影院的创办者老高结下不解之缘的故事。影片根据真实事件改编,以细腻生动的镜头语言刻画了一个感人肺腑的故事。这部影片是导演田壮壮的关门弟子路阳的处女作,因此也倾注了他的大量心血,他希望这部影片能带给观众当今电影市场少有的清新之风。