回复 :Poole’s untimely and tragic demise brings Humphrey Goodman to the beautiful island of Saint Marie as the new Detective Inspector. But while he enthusiastically embraces Caribbean life, his new team of Camille, Dwayne and Fidel quickly realise they’ve got another eccentric and rather frustrating Englishman on their hands… Humphrey’s apparently random and disorganised approach to solving crime initially seems confounding, but it’s not long before they realise they have a remarkable detective in their midst – one capable of solving his predecessor’s own baffling murder - and together the team go on to brilliantly solve a host of dizzyingly mystifying murders, from zombie film stand-ins, to glamorous stewardesses and local politicians.
回复 :原班人马参演本季,主角们各自的特色依然显而易见且恰到好处。案件相较于前三季有所突破,尤其是第一集选择了登雪山为背景。剧情发展方面,会在团队内部的爱恨纠葛中做文章。如果你还没厌倦高智商正义团队永远不倒的邪不胜正理念,可以继续追该剧。燕迹秦清原创。
回复 :BBC.纪录片.奈杰尔·斯莱特:美食欢聚一堂,共六集,美食纪录片。美食家兼作家奈杰尔·斯莱特探访汇聚英国的各方美食,尝试制作不同文化的传统菜肴,以英国人的视角发现异域美食的秘密。第一集:饺子 装满快乐的小礼袋从波兰饺子到意饺再到日本饺子,世界各地都喜欢用面团包裹馅料制成食物。本集中,奈杰尔会为兰开夏火锅做香草饺子,斯第尔顿奶酪松饼和苹果饺子,而尼塔索达则向奈杰尔展示了如何制作古吉拉特豌豆卡丘瑞。卡姆登饺子公司的拉斐尔将告诉我们如何制作野生蘑菇和腌菜饺子,他们将前往英国最大的意大利社区贝德福德制作意大利饺子。