不设After escaping abduction, a frantic woman must coerce an exhausted truck driver to hide in the back of her truck for the night. The two women take refuge not knowing what the rest of the night has in store.
不设After escaping abduction, a frantic woman must coerce an exhausted truck driver to hide in the back of her truck for the night. The two women take refuge not knowing what the rest of the night has in store.
回复 :公仔杀人事件经媒体报道后,引发制作“楚其”的玩具公司对市场前景的担忧,玩具公司将楚其的残骸收回并加以修复,试图向股东证明杀人玩具不过是谣言一场,然而在修复完成时,楚其随即复活,它引发混乱,并最终逃脱。另一方面,安迪(艾力克斯·文森特 Alex Vincent 饰)和母亲分别接受心理治疗,一对好心夫妇暂时照顾安迪。根据灵魂转移的符咒要求,楚其如果要避免与公仔一同人格化的命运,就必须寄宿到第一个知晓它秘密的人——也就是安迪身上,楚其剩下的时间已经不多,它再度找到安迪准备侵占其身体。安迪为了躲避找上门的楚其,用尽办法得到的却是周围大人的不理解与训斥,和安迪一起被收养的少女凯莉也卷入了这场公仔夺取安迪身体的非常事件……
回复 :你有没有想象过在核子爆炸后或是巨型彗星碰撞后的驾车体验?也许没有人认真思考过。本片将告诉你答案。快来加入Richard Hammond和James May一起体验一场惊心动魄的旅程,你将看到如何在核子冬天的永久黑暗中驾车去上班;在只有两名车手的情况下,如何让赛车运动依然保持原有的激烈和刺激;如何让你的爱车突破最后的审判日的野蛮枪林弹雨;当地球上只剩下一罐汽油时,你会如何驾车出行,等等等等。
回复 :After troubled teen Katie is sentenced to house arrest, she falls for an attractive young man named John who has just moved in next door. While their affair seems harmless at first, Katie becomes increasingly convinced that there's more than meets the eye with John.