日韩Danny is a content truck driver, but his girl Peggy shows potential as a dancer and hopes he too can show ambition. Danny acquiesces and pursues boxing to please her, but the two begin to spend more time working than time together.
日韩Danny is a content truck driver, but his girl Peggy shows potential as a dancer and hopes he too can show ambition. Danny acquiesces and pursues boxing to please her, but the two begin to spend more time working than time together.
回复 :Joseon's most popular girl Hwang Jini.Her sensory and critical game starts now!In the middle of the Joseon times, Song-do's gisaeng Jini was skilled in painting and caligraphy. Unlike other gisaengs, she was also intelligent and well educated enough to be called the best out of the Best Three. Byeok Gye-soo is is a scholar who comes down from Hanyang to attend a ball. Unlike ...
回复 :万历年间,天下太平。早年倭寇横行,幸得戚继光和俞大猷两位将军平定,终于换得今日的内外祥和。此时武林由四大家族坐镇,任何人试图开宗立派须经四大门派同意方可。某天,城内刀光四起,两名手持倭刀的神秘之人令武林大乱阵脚。当年戚继光从倭刀的持法中悟出玄机,因此对倭刀进行改良,以彼之道还之彼身,令倭寇闻风丧胆。随着戚继光去世和天下安定,戚家倭刀渐渐失传,中原武林也斥之为邪道不予承认。这二人正是戚家军营的高手,他们挑战四大门派,只望为戚家倭刀正名。而武林各派也干脆将他们当作倭寇予以围捕,连归隐山中多年的霜叶城第一高手裘冬月(于承惠 饰)也下山擒贼……
回复 :奸商刘有光事业遭遇窘境,为了让手中的度假村顺利开张,他不惜让一手捧红的女明星叶玉芝(陈颖芝 饰)向相关官员出卖肉体。但在一个暴雨之夜,玉芝不慎触电,虽保住性命,然而容貌尽毁。为赶在高官从国外回来前让玉芝重焕青春,刘有光遍寻名医,却无人能治。在巫医指点下,刘绑架并杀害一名少女,通过锦衣授魂术将少女的皮肤移至玉芝身上。一眉道长(林正英 饰)和一群年轻人来刘拥有的小岛上游玩,发现刘印堂发暗,厄运缠身。当晚,高官与玉芝共赴巫山,谁知……