春暖Stand-up comedy from the creator of Big Mouth.
春暖Stand-up comedy from the creator of Big Mouth.
回复 :Get ready for the heat of meijubar.net HELL'S KITCHEN as superstar chef Gordon Ramsay ushers in the series' red-hot ninth season with 18 new competitors.These aspiring restaurateurs will brave Ramsay and his wrath as he once again puts the competitors through rigorous challenges to see who has the skill and passion to win a life-changing prize: a head chef position at BLT Steak in New York City.Ramsay's culinary challenges will range from the cute and cuddly as the chefs cook a "Mommy and me" meal for a room full of moms and toddlers, to the sublime as the chefs are challenged to cook using different types of beer as the basis for their recipes.
回复 :有一种好声音,能让耳朵怀孕;有一种老戏骨,能用声音表演……《声临其境》是湖南卫视原创播出的全国首档声音魅力竞演秀,以台词和配音为切入点,每期邀请四位台词功底深厚或声音动听的演员、配音演员同台竞声,比拼台词功底、配音实力,以及与其他演员的互动搭档能力。每期节目分为三个环节,第一个环节是“经典之声”,嘉宾们将分别表演3段经典影视剧或动画片片段,展现各自的声音功底及声音可塑性。第二个环节是“魔力之声”,嘉宾们以创新的方式为广告、新闻、体育比赛、搞笑漫画等生活中的常见场景配音,不仅考验他们的声音能力,更展示了他们谐趣幽默的一面。在前两个环节中,四位嘉宾将躲在屏幕后的配音间仅用声音进行表演,现场观众只闻其声不见其人。到第三个环节“大秀”,四位嘉宾将全部亮相并组成临时搭档,共同完成一场以声音为特色的大剧表演。通过三轮声音竞演,现场观众最终将选出当晚自己最喜欢的“声音之王”,胜出者将参加本季最后一期“年度声音大赏”。
回复 : 粤语金曲王子郑锦昌载誉香江,献唱多首名曲:唐山大兄/猛龙过江/马永贞大战精武门、海上风光、奀妹去买菜、梦难圆等等。