回复 :THE FRENCH DROP—Investigating a suspicious death, Foyle gets caught up in the rivalry between the established spy agency MI5 and the newly created SOE.ENEMY FIRE—Sabotage, murder, and adultery at a pioneering RAF hospital brings Foyle face to face with the devastating physical and emotional consequences of war.THEY FOUGHT IN THE FIELDS—A murdered farmer and the crash landing of a German plane present a confusing case, especially as spring is in the air and even Foyle is not immune to a whiff of romance.A WAR OF NERVES—An unexploded bomb at a busy shipyard leads to a startling discovery in a complex story of greed and politics.
回复 :
回复 :亚当(本·威士肖 Ben Whishaw 饰)是一名在公立医院里行医的妇产科医生,在公立医院里,无论是医疗设备还是人员配给都要远远糟于私立医院,在这里,亚当不仅要面对无休无止的加班,还要和刁钻苛刻的病人斗智斗勇,长期都处在巨大的压力之下。但幸运的是,在医院里,亚当还是交 了一些朋友,比如初出茅庐的实习医生姝娣(安比卡·茂德 Ambika Mod 饰)。亚当有一个相恋多年的男友哈里(罗里·弗莱克-拜恩 Rory Fleck Byrne 饰),两人之间的感情虽然稳定,但是亚当至今都没有向父母坦露自己的性取向,更别说介绍哈里给他们认识了。一场意外中,亚当的误诊导致了一个婴儿的早产,这件事情成为了在他脖颈上不断收缩的绳索,令他渐渐窒息。