欧洲On her 18th birthday, tough-girl Jonny eats a cake baked by her aunt according to a magical family recipe and goes through a radical metamorphosis. As several classmates go missing, a bloody coming-of-age story takes its course.
欧洲On her 18th birthday, tough-girl Jonny eats a cake baked by her aunt according to a magical family recipe and goes through a radical metamorphosis. As several classmates go missing, a bloody coming-of-age story takes its course.
回复 :导演舒吉特·瑟加(Shoojit Sircar)的新片《谍战马德拉斯/悍战谍影》(Madras Cafe)是一部关于印度情报部门特工的影片,背景设置于80年代末90年代初。就在印度和平力量撤退之后,某特工被派去斯里兰卡,执行秘密破坏内战反动势力的任务。深陷混战与政治阴谋之中,他遇到了一名英国记者,并化解了一场刺杀行动。本片由摄影师卡玛里吉·耐基(Kamaljeet Negi)使用ALEXA拍摄。拍摄地包括马来西亚、泰国、伦敦和印度。最近耐基接受了ARRI的专访,分享了他的拍摄经验。
回复 :
回复 :讲述了患有超忆症的重案组警察郭文斌利用自己的特殊记忆能力与罪案凶手斗智斗勇,最终揭开案件背后的悲剧真相并坚持正义原则的故事。