影片以中华人文始祖轩辕黄帝(于波 饰)与元妃嫘祖(周韦彤 饰)的传奇爱情故事为线索,照片讲述了五千年前有熊氏部落首领姬地率领族人渡黄河、照片斗猛兽、联合氏族战蚩尤(苏登扎木苏 饰)、最终统一华夏各部落的壮阔史诗。演绎黄帝、炎帝(王顺德 饰)、蚩尤三大部落的兴衰聚散,成功再现了远古华夏民族壮阔感人的发展历程。
影片以中华人文始祖轩辕黄帝(于波 饰)与元妃嫘祖(周韦彤 饰)的传奇爱情故事为线索,照片讲述了五千年前有熊氏部落首领姬地率领族人渡黄河、照片斗猛兽、联合氏族战蚩尤(苏登扎木苏 饰)、最终统一华夏各部落的壮阔史诗。演绎黄帝、炎帝(王顺德 饰)、蚩尤三大部落的兴衰聚散,成功再现了远古华夏民族壮阔感人的发展历程。
回复 :这是发生在米兰的一对夫妻的故事。Giovanni Pontano(马塞洛•马斯楚安尼 Marcello Mastroianni 饰)是一个有名的作家,他有一个美丽的妻子Lidia(让娜•莫罗 Jeanne Moreau 饰)。他们来到医院看望Giovanni身患重病的朋友Tommaso,Tommmso对Giovanni的新书暂不绝口,然而疾病给他带来的疼痛让他十分痛苦。Lidia无法忍受看着这样一个病人,先离开了,Giovanni却被一个女病人所引诱。Giovanni再次见到Lidia时,两人间的气氛显得十分异样。两人先是去参加了出版社举办的Giovanni的新书发布会,随后又受邀去参加一个晚会。在豪宅的晚会上,Giovanni和主人的女儿Valentina Gherardini(莫尼卡•维蒂 Monica Vitti 饰)打得火热,两人接吻的场面被Lidia看到了。随后Lidia也和另外一个男人跳起舞来......这对夫妻的婚姻将走向何方?本片获1961年柏林电影节金熊奖。
回复 :It's a wonderful spoof documentary following a team on its quest for the oil gobbler, an animal that has evolved to be the perfect denizen of a polluted world. Loathed by the locals for its voracious habit of eating anything plastic, from wellington boots to the protective sleeves farmers put round their saplings to prevent them being eaten by other animals, the ropaci is an elusive specimen and has the team - and thus the audience - intrigued. Finally, they catch it on film - and then manage to capture a young one that they want to take back home with them. The perils of their journey from the pollution-ridden Bohemian basin back through the clean, fresh air of the forest prove too much for the little creature and they come up with an ingenious way of saving it.
回复 :雪松是这座城市小有成就的企业家,也是知名的"创业导师”。就在雪松信心爆棚的时候,他投资的房地产项目失败!随之而来的,是好友的叛离、妻子的失望、公司的破产、信用的失效,一幕幕人间悲喜剧纷纷来袭,而面对这一切,雪松选择了从头再来,东山再起。