毛骨A famous rapper, disillusioned with the music industry and the pressures of being a celebrity, leaves the city and his career behind to find himself in a small-town farming community.
毛骨A famous rapper, disillusioned with the music industry and the pressures of being a celebrity, leaves the city and his career behind to find himself in a small-town farming community.
回复 :武雄服刑十二年,出狱后才发现妻离子散,其后于铁工厂中工作。日子久了,与其他同伴友情日增,更得小贩阿惠青睐。但好景不长,钟又与黑帮发生过节,武雄出生江湖,自知擒贼先擒王,深入虎穴后始知幕后主使,竟是当年使他杀人弃妻儿的老大。
回复 :香港国术家万人仰赴美,为爱徒丁森开设"花旗武馆"助威.万师父与各路高手较量,每每能以点到即止击败各派强敌.原来丁森在背后开设赌局,以赢得金钱还债.后来万师父得知丁森以他的功夫图利,怒骂丁森一场后与阿彪离开武馆.一日,五大武馆联合挑战"花旗武馆",武馆陷于困境,万师父会否回馆解围...?
回复 :A young man discovers answers to his past both touching and tragic, as basketball becomes more than a game.