回复 :
回复 :Mid-August in Paris (the title is a date: August 15) in a sunny, quiet apartment a young woman talks, thinks, reflects about herself, everyday life and little events in a long, uninterrupted monologue. The camera pictures her and her gestures in long, fixed shots moving around the rooms, the space, the light and shadows of a summer day.
回复 :本剧改编自同名漫画,讲述了白崎是个默默无闻的舞台剧演员,在某次因缘际会下成了BL连续剧男主角,共同主演竟是他大学时期的学长,知名演员羽山麻水。在拍戏的过程中,白崎发现自己无法掌握饰演恋人的戏感,因此前往同性会所寻找契机,然而却被羽山发现,两人便成了炮友。白崎对拍摄越来越得心应手,但羽山的态度却 愈发扑朔迷离。