杭州花开Jess who goes to her best friend's wedding in the middle of nowhere, where she will be confronted by her ex, her happily coupled friends from college, and the insecure monster she becomes when she is off the grid.
杭州花开Jess who goes to her best friend's wedding in the middle of nowhere, where she will be confronted by her ex, her happily coupled friends from college, and the insecure monster she becomes when she is off the grid.
回复 :In 1965 the eve of decriminalization for acts of male homosexuality in the U.K. Matthews, a young gay man at odds with the world, discovers love, sex, and a new family in the backstreets and underground bars of Soho.
回复 :萨拉是一个动物权利组织的新星,她去了一个非法饲养小狗的地方实习,当该组织与当地执法部门联手打击时,她在做好本职工作和做正确的事情之间左右为难。
回复 :香德祖(成奎安 饰)是一名香港皇家警察,他的老婆(王小凤 饰)怀孕待产,夫妻二人亲密非常。这一日,他们去医院检查的路上,遭遇一伙银行劫匪。出于职责,香抛下妻子奋勇上前追击。经过一番追车和搏斗,香制服歹徒,却被匪首暗算,致使钢筋穿胸而死,尸体被埋于乱铁之中。是夜,一只黑猫跳上香的身体,刚好猛雷劈下,香竟奇迹般复苏,变成活脱脱的僵尸。他复活后力大无比,但害怕阳光,还需要定期充电。香自知时日无多,决定对妻子隐瞒这个秘密,并将银行劫匪绳之以法。另一方面,匪徒当初逃跑时劫持少女Gucci(叶蕴仪 饰)为人质,混乱中Gucci拿着装钱的箱子逃跑。愤怒的劫匪四下寻找Gucci,当他们得知香还在人间之时,一番正邪大战在所难免……