回复 :《我和我的经纪人》是国内首档聚焦一家真实的经纪公司的职场真人秀。以艺人和经纪人搭档关系作为切入点,通过“明星—明星伙伴”这一典型职场关系,记录他们工作中发生的鲜活有趣的故事、展示生动的相处模式、揭露不为人知的幕后故事与运营生态,同时也展现了当代多样的青年职场文化。
回复 :In a three-part series, Andrew Graham-Dixon looks back at 19th century Britain and its obsession with all things Gothic. The series explores how an inspired group of architects and artists spurned the modern age, turning to Britain’s medieval past to create some of Britain’s most iconic works and buildings.Inspired by the tumultuous Industrial Revolution, John Ruskin was among those who created architectural wonders, using the cutting edge of technology to create a brand-new British style of architecture. While in art and literature, the Gothic allowed Horace Walpole, Bram Stoker and Dickens to capture the terror, weirdness and social ills that plagued Victorian Britain.
回复 :刘在石、李光洙、权俞利共同出演的Disney+原创综艺《The Zone:生存大作战》将于下半年公开。他们将在节目中和特别嘉宾一起在充满危险的未知世界中,执行“为了生存必须坚持”这一唯一的任务展开不可预测的冒险。出演者们在每周根据不同情节设定的未知世界和为了生存下去的虚拟空间中展开特别的冒险,同时将会展现在现有综艺中从未见过的紧张感和趣味。每一集都会有特别嘉宾的加入,增加了观看的趣味性。由《X-Man》《Running Man》《家族诞生》《犯人就是你》等热门综艺的制作组企划制作。