回复 :七个好友单身汉都声称自己永不会结婚,于是,他们凑了一笔钱,打赌谁最迟结婚谁就赢得这笔钱。一晃眼,七年过去了,只剩下困窘的漫画迈克尔(Jerry O'Connell 杰瑞•奥康耐 饰)和出名的“钻石王老五”凯尔(Jake Busey 杰克•布塞 饰)依然单身,而当初这笔钱由于投资得当而成了一笔巨额财富。这天,迈克尔在拉斯维加斯豪赌欠下了巨债,走投无路的他唯一的办法就是想方设法赢得这场打赌。于是,迈克尔找到了凯尔的前女友娜塔莉娅(莎诺•伊丽莎白 Shannon Elizabeth 饰),千方百计游说了她嫁给凯尔,承诺事成之后分她一份奖金。迈克尔的计划进行得非常顺利,然而就在大功即将告成之际,他却发现自己已深深爱上了娜塔莉娅,金钱和爱情之间,他将如何抉择?
回复 :Adolescence can be tough, especially for young queer people who haven’t quite figured it out. We Will Never Belong charts one teenager’s quest for the truth with style and grace. Emi has recently discovered that her mother is in love with another woman, and Emi’s not handling it well. She retreats to the community, where she was born, to stay with her father and his new family and to spend time with her maternal grandmother. Things are much less confusing at her father’s, at least until her extremely intriguing stepsister shows up. Emi soon begins to understand why her mother living her life authentically was so difficult to face. With nuanced performances and gorgeous cinematography, We Will Never Belong deals with complicated family and identity issues, and does so with incredible thoughtfulness and care.
回复 :一个小岛被一个巫师用巫毒术所诅咒,并召唤出了大批的不死丧尸来兴风作雨,一队国际人道救援组织在准备转移岛上的居民时几乎被全灭,只有一个小女孩奇迹般的生存下来,并离开了这个岛屿。然而,事情并没有结束,这只是一个开始…… 十几年后,当年的小女孩已长成亭亭玉立的少女,但那段挥之不去的噩梦总是缠绕在她的脑海里,于是她和朋友们愤然决定重回那个死亡岛。对她来说这可能是一个错误的决定,由于她的出现,岛上的丧尸又重返人间并追杀她。在朋友们接连被丧尸灭掉后,她开始后悔自己的选择,但现实已不允许她回头,只有将诅咒解除掉才是唯一的生存方法。可解除诅咒却有一个相当残酷的条件……