亚洲区A scanner discovers a plot by renegade elements in the city government to take power with the help of evil scanners.
亚洲区A scanner discovers a plot by renegade elements in the city government to take power with the help of evil scanners.
回复 :American gangster Erik Vasquez (Philippe A. Haddad) is scheming to become the top dog in the Mexican underworld, only to find himself making enemies out of both the powerful cartels and his own allies.
回复 :通缉犯陈桂林(阮经天 饰)生命将尽,却发现自己在通缉榜上只排名第三,他决心查出前两名通缉犯的下落,并将他们一一除掉。陈桂林以为自己已成为当代的周处除三害,却没想到永远参不透的贪嗔痴,才是人生终要面对的罪与罚。影片引用的“周处除三害”典故,见于《晋书·周处传》和《世说新语》。据记载,少年周处身形魁梧,武力高强,却横行乡里,为邻人所厌。后周处只身斩杀猛虎孽蛟,他自己也浪子回头、改邪归正,至此三害皆除。
回复 :马克·安德烈·莱克莱尔独自攀登,远离聚光灯。这位23岁的自由主义者进行了历史上最大胆的单人攀登。没有摄像机,也没有失误的余地,莱克莱尔提供了一种单人冒险方式的精髓。