回复 :根据真实故事改编,聚焦2009年“气候门”事件主角,世界知名的气候学研究专家菲利普·琼斯。
回复 :The movie is a throwback to a time when ordinary people enjoyed simple pleasures like going to their club, or taking in the pictures and growing their chrysanthemums in the adjoining greenhouse garden...so very British.It is these very ordinary people that some artists have a great sympathy and admiration for in our often self-serving world. Nothing extraordinary about the movie or the couple but almost 60 years on, the acting still makes it a delight to watch.
回复 :一位外星科学家和他的团队被派往地球,从他们垂死的星球上通过释放吸血鬼、狼人和木乃伊等怪物来消灭人类,以便继承地球。