人人Sarah is an organic farmer who meets a man claiming to be from 1787, she quickly discovers old-fashioned feelings that can be just as crazy as her story.
人人Sarah is an organic farmer who meets a man claiming to be from 1787, she quickly discovers old-fashioned feelings that can be just as crazy as her story.
回复 :A ladies' man is forced to change his ways when he's suddenly saddled with the daughter he never knew about.
回复 :一个离奇的夜晚,小妍死在了自家的浴缸里,衣服破碎,同城拉皮条的哥哥得知后开始了调查。大排档的老板、酒吧的服务员、小妍的室友……所有的证据都指向了一个人,他应该如何去处理这个男人,这些目击者所说的就是真相吗?
回复 :改编自Dean Fleischer-Camp和珍妮·斯蕾特的网络短片系列,Dean亲自执导并出演一个也叫Dean的人类纪录片导演,他搬进一所Airbnb的租房,发现里面已经有了住客——一个贝壳动物Marcel,它的外婆Connie,还有它的宠物:一坨叫Alan的绒毛。Marcel由珍妮·斯蕾特配音,Connie由伊莎贝拉·罗西里尼配音。Marcel和Connie本来是一个贝壳大家族的成员,但因为一次神秘的悲剧事件,它们婆孙俩现在独居。Dean开始拍摄它们的日常,并因此迅速在网络走红,两壳一人的生活因此永久被改变。这件事能帮助Marcel找回它离失的家族吗?