回复 :Smash is an American musical-drama television series that premiered on NBC on February 6, 2012. The series was created by playwright Theresa Rebeck and developed by NBC executive Robert Greenblatt, and famed director Steven Spielberg serves as one of the executive producers. The series is broadcast in the United States on the network channel NBC and is produced by DreamWorks Television and Universal Television. The second season premiered on February 5, 2013.The series revolves around a fictional New York theater community and specifically the creation of a new Broadway musical. It features a large ensemble cast, currently led by Debra Messing, Jack Davenport, Katharine McPhee, Christian Borle, Megan Hilty and Anjelica Huston.The series, particularly the pilot episode, has enjoyed considerable success. The first season received an Emmy Award for choreography, and it was also nominated for a Golden Globe and a Grammy award.
回复 :SBS最新月火剧《听到传闻》是一部讽刺重视富贵和血统的上流家庭丑恶嘴脸的黑色幽默剧,讲述了上流社会顶尖家族中的十几岁的儿子和女友未婚先孕,平凡家庭出身的女友嫁入豪门后引发的一系列故事。将接档《Punch》于2月23日起播出。
回复 :19岁的黄日华就拍了第一部电视剧《过客》(1981),而且仅凭这部电视剧就迅速走红香港,这是一个奇迹。他演的那个角色本来是为周润发度身定做的。可惜,当时已经是"无线"一哥的周润发正在和"无线"上层闹别扭,将这个角色拱手让给了岌岌无名的黄日华,谁知黄日华竟凭这一部戏一下走红起来。据说在这出戏里扮相英俊的黄日华迷倒了全港相当一批女孩,包括张曼玉、刘嘉玲后来都承认当年都因为看了《过客》而把黄日华视为自己的偶像。 《过客》的剧情是非常严谨,故事情节拓大起伏,非常吸引人,值得一看。故事结局当然是家仇得报,同女友双宿双飞。