宝英Researchers discover film footage from World War II that turns out to be a lost documentary shot by Alfred Hitchcock and Sidney Bernstein in 1945 about German concentration camps.
宝英Researchers discover film footage from World War II that turns out to be a lost documentary shot by Alfred Hitchcock and Sidney Bernstein in 1945 about German concentration camps.
回复 :In our increasingly virtual world, who are the real gatekeepers of all our data? Enter this digital space of the Homo Numericus Age to learn more.
回复 :这部摇滚纪录片讲述了列入“摇滚名人堂”的芝加哥乐队的幕后故事,涵盖从出道时摇滚爵士融合曲风到榜首流行热单的演变。
回复 :拨开千年前的层层迷雾,在众人眼前呈现的是一个立国六百年之久的王朝——商王朝。而今商王朝早已失去建立之初的辉煌与活力,俨然变成了老态龙钟、昏昧闇冥的老者。最后一任国王子受辛(申荣钧 饰)智足以拒谏,言足以饰非,他横征暴敛,挥霍无度,耽溺享受,凶残绝情。冀州侯苏护(田丰 饰)因封地遭灾而无力上贡,结果遭到商王的攻伐。为了营救父亲,美丽绝伦的妲己(林黛 饰)决心以美色蛊惑商王,令其荒废政事,走向灭亡。果不出妲己所料,她的美妙容颜令商王倾倒,进而对其言听计从。在妲己的诱惑下,这位残暴的君主变本加厉,不仅屠害皇后,凌辱大臣,更残杀百姓,戏弄诸侯。未过多久,四方狼烟迭起,商王朝终于迎来灭亡的时刻……