回复 :海员余大地带着女儿,被逼与黄梅同屋,一人均脾气古怪,但却渐萌爱意,惜余不忘航海生涯,把女儿交托黄梅,还暗示爱意。不料,当黄梅接到大地回港之信,又传来货轮沉没,误会他已葬身海中……
回复 :当新闻中传出武汉爆发新冠疫情的第一批报道时,在国内其他地方,张秀华——正遭受着另一种疾病的折磨并为她自己的生命而战。医生们可能已经放弃了她,但是她的孩子和孙子们却没有,他们正在尽一切可能让她和他们在一起多呆一会儿。这部作品以克制的黑白画面观察这个家庭、他们与母亲的处境、疫情造成的后果以及彼此之间的斗争。自尊心和对立的世界观最终使兄妹之间的关系变得紧张——但他们仍然没有从母亲那边让步。对于家庭内部情况的呈现仍然是最重要的不分,但观众能不断地从新冠引发的危机和由此产生的限制中捕捉一些瞬间。通过这种方式,该片巧妙地将一场私人家庭危机与一场全球性紧急事件交织在一起,并在微观和宏观层面显示了它们对人类生活的相互影响。
回复 :The Polish doco for the BFI’s Century of Cinema distinguishes itself from all the others in the series by being the only one not to have any film critics, academics, directors, etc providing a commentary. Instead it takes the refreshing route of having ordinary people of all ages talking about what’s special to them about movies – so we get some old folks describing their first trip to the cinema when a lot of people didn’t even know what a film was, memories of what it was like to go to the movies as children, teenagers, and adults before, during, and after WWII, and especially the key scenes from films that have made lasting impressions upon them (not unexpectedly, Wajda’s KANAL strikes a nerve), which are shown in accompaniment, so that it becomes the interviewees who ultimately decide what’s shown in the doco. This kind of stuff is what the ‘100 Years of Cinema’ celebration is really about.