回复 :有财(昌隆饰)与大哥富贵(孟祥亮饰)迫于压力无奈出门碰瓷,谁料想碰到一个犯罪团伙主谋江总(穆怀鹏饰),江总答应给小哥俩拿钱同时给他俩提了一个条件,只要帮他从外宾金先生(赵健饰)手里取一个箱子就能得到这一大笔钱。对于这么一个意外之财大哥二话没说就答应了,可能他们自己都不知道自己正在陷入一个犯罪团伙的圈套。事后江总的手下槟榔(谷峯饰)对江总的决定很疑惑,然而他的疑惑遭到了江总的否认。为了证明自己的价值与忠心,槟榔背着江总让自己的手下去现场截货,打算来一场黑吃黑。进展很顺利,但谁知在槟榔沿途返回的途中遇上了碰瓷的张大妈,身无分文的槟榔无奈之下把箱子抵押给了张大妈。然而张大妈也是一个老油条,转手就把箱子交给了曾经在道上的炮爷(尚延生饰)让他帮忙把箱子换成钱。更巧的是,这一幕被正好经过的有财看到了,自此,几波人就开始上演一出夺箱大战……
回复 :
回复 :Best friends Mimmi and Rönkkö work after school at a foodcourt smoothie kiosk, frankly swapping stories of their frustrations and expectations regarding love and sex. Volatile misfit Mimmi, unexpectedly swept up in the thrill of a new romance with Emma (a driven skater training for the European championships), struggles to adjust to the trust and compromise required by a lasting relationship. Meanwhile, the offbeat, indefatigable Rönkkö hits the teen party scene, stumbling through a series of awkward encounters with members of the opposite sex while hoping to find her own version of satisfaction.