回复 :根据福建作家杨少衡的中篇小说《该你的时候》改编的现实主义题材电影,展现的是党的基层领导干部工作的真实一面。一位县长和副县长,两个人从最开始的不理解不信任、在别人面前无法掩藏矛盾,在经历一系列突发事件后,最终积累了深厚的“阶级感情”。
回复 :圣乔治骑士约瑟夫·布洛涅(小凯文·哈里森 Kelvin Harrison Jr. 饰)1745年出生在法属加勒比地区,是一名非洲奴隶和一名法国种植园主的私生子。他在法国社会中拥有其他黑人无法企及的地位,他既是小提琴家&作曲家,又是击剑冠军。他与一位法国贵妇拥有一段不幸爱情,同时也与玛丽·安托瓦内特及她的宫廷闹翻,这也致使他早逝。
回复 :16-year-old Yuguo, who has a passion for Eastern European romantic poetry, makes a pilgrimage from his home in China to the foothills of Romania’s Carpathian Mountains.There are not many 16-year-olds in China that spend their days reading 19th century Eastern European romantic poetry, but Yuguo is not like most 16-year-olds. This intimate film follows Yuguo’s own teenage romanticism and adventurous spirit as he travels to Bacau in Romania to begin a study abroad programme. Yuguo’s sincerity and open heartedness is infectious and hard for the people of Bacau to resist. Across just 80 days, we share the beautiful adventure of Yuguo’s journey, and witness the profound impact one person can have in the lives of others.