回复 :民国年间,战火纷飞。一场诡异的山神庙凶案打破了山海关外子水镇的平静。镇长少爷商队一行,除少爷一人疯疯癫癫归来,其余几人皆死于非命。镇上皆传此凶案是女鬼所为,闹的满镇人心惶惶。镇上茅山派传人英叔用医术抑制住镇长少爷的病情,却无法根除病患,少爷病情时有反复。以“白柳灰”三人为首的一伙萨满术士来到子水镇,为镇长少爷做法驱魔,少爷即时痊愈,一时三人被镇民奉若神明。可镇上也随之怪事频发,井中女鬼,阴兵借道,镇民们纷纷向“三仙”求救。英叔追查诡异之事真相,越发认定一切都是“白柳灰”所为之时,“三仙”中灰无常与白四爷却相继毙命。英叔苦苦查询线索,怀疑幕后主使是义庄庄主出马仙江涛,可真相却更加扑朔迷离……
回复 :Since her best friend disappeared, Dinda's life turns into a nightmare when an evil spirit in the form of a woman in a red dress haunts her. Dinda's life is threatened, not only by the evil spirit but also by people who try to keep the events of the night of her best friend's disappearance a secret.
回复 :After a governor issues an executive order to arrest the children of undocumented immigrants, the newly detained youth are offered an opportunity to have their charges dropped by volunteering to provide care to the elderly.Once inside the eldercare facility, the volunteers discover the governor and the facility’s supervisor have cooked up a horrifyingly depraved conspiracy that endangers both the young and the old…