回复 :炎热夏天,身心疲惫的青年刑警村上(三船敏郎 饰)结束了射击练习后,登上拥挤难闻的公车回家,途中突然发现配枪被人盗走。他奋力追赶,却最终跟丢了目标。村上垂头丧气找到佐藤课长(志村乔 饰),请求解除他的职务,善良的课长则指点他拜托扒手课的资深刑警市川(河村黎吉 饰)寻求帮助。经市川提醒,村上想起公车上身边站着的一个女人,正是女惯犯阿银(岸辉子 饰)。耐不住村上的死缠烂打,阿银透露了手枪贩子的信息。在此之后,村上深入这座城市最黑暗的角落,寻找关于手枪的蛛丝马迹。与此同时,有人用他的手枪犯案,形势日渐紧迫。二战后日本都市的芸芸众生相,通过村上野狗一般锐利的双目交替呈现……
回复 :horror film about a screenwriter who loses the ability to distinguish between his fantasy world and the real world
回复 :"They never fail." The Glock pistol has been fetishised in films and the arts, and is a regular topseller in the international arms market. For the first time, the filmmaking duo Fritz Ofner and Eva Hausberger tell the story of the rise of the Glock: An Austrian design that became the most sought-after service and murder weapon worldwide. Tracing the web of power, money, violence and politics, the film masterfully portrays the dark sides of globalisation and not least an Austrian tale of willful ignorance.