春暖A female American reporter searches for her missing brother against the backdrop of violence and human smuggling across the US/Mexican border. Inspired by true events.
春暖A female American reporter searches for her missing brother against the backdrop of violence and human smuggling across the US/Mexican border. Inspired by true events.
回复 :缪斯迫切希望加入臭名昭著的巴尔的摩越野车骑士The Midnight Clique,他们统治着夏季街头。 当午夜的领袖布拉克斯将14岁的缪斯带到他身边时,缪斯很快就发现自己在狭窄的道路和充斥着快速的金钱和暴力的道路之间挣扎。
回复 :The Goddess tells the story of a sexual assault survivor, who was attacked by her Uber driver, seeking her own justice through revenge.
回复 :曾在赛特港码头辛苦操劳大半生的工人赛门(哈比•布法莱斯HabibBoufares饰)被解雇了,他感到既气愤又无助,跟上司的抗争也无功而返。由于事业的不顺利,他跟家人的关系也变得紧张起来,前妻、情人、儿女都对他感到失望。正在赛门走投无路的时候,情人的女儿丽姆(阿弗西娅•埃尔奇HafsiaHerzi饰)挺身而出。在她的鼓励帮助下,赛门准备在废弃的船上开一家餐厅,但是投资方对于他资产的质疑,险些让这桩买卖泡了汤。但是,赛门已经重新找回生活的勇气和信心。他带领家人逐渐走出阴霾,正当一家人为餐厅筹备菜品的时候,他们却遇到了前所未有的麻烦……