回复 :“自行车店的高桥君”,是东京出身30岁的公司职员?“面包子”饭野朋子?智子)和喜欢照顾人的岁下不良少年的爱情故事。一个人生活在岐阜的朋子,不擅长与人交往,也不能明确表达自己的意见,在公司还受到上司微妙的性骚扰,每天都过着烦恼的生活。有一天,骑自行车上街的她,因为掉链子的事遇到了经营附近自行车店的高桥辽平。虽然朋子对有些强硬的辽平感到害怕,但他并没有否定自己的烦恼,而是温柔地陪伴着自己,朋子被辽平所吸引。
回复 :女主角艾玛(王妍之 饰)是一位当红带货主播,开场就因直播中意外“翻车”导致人设崩塌,负面新闻霸屏网络被网友“封杀”。艾玛意外发现“翻车”原来由一名叫品如的“村姑”女孩无意间酿成。为寻求翻红的机会,艾玛决定利用品如,将她培养成新晋人气主播为自己打工。而品如也立志成为带货主播解决家族山货品牌的销售问题。姐妹二人以100万元主播大赛奖金为共同目标,在各自的“小心思”下踏上了这场带货主播养成之路。
回复 :The story is about an aliens that live quietly on the ocean floor until they are compelled to destroy humanity after their eco-system is disrupted by pollution. Scientists race to stave off an apocalypse. The book was a huge bestseller in Germany and other European countries. While the likes of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" trying to stir concerns about the environment, "The Swarm" becomes the latest in a growing number of films based on the philosophy that there will be payback for mankind's abuses of the planet.