回复 :少林寺里住着一个小活宝。小活宝名叫开心(曹骏 饰),现年八岁。小开心人如其名,每天都精神饱满、活泼又开朗,且天资聪颖,博得了少林寺上上下下的喜爱。在小开心的心中则有一个愿望,就是能和自己的母亲重逢。而开心的身上有个惊天大秘密,只有方丈知道。那就是,开心其实是皇子,因为脚上有七颗痣,和皇帝相克,因此被委托给方丈照顾。而这边,皇帝驾崩之际,传位写诏书时出了乌龙。开心因此竟然成为了皇帝。而这起误会,让开心深陷权利争斗之中。本应该继承皇位的十皇子,前往江湖学武,在巧合下和开心相遇。二人最终如何联手,击退敌对势力呢?小开心最终是继续留在少林寺还是回到皇宫呢?
回复 :1944年夏,日本侵略者的铁蹄踏破长沙,直驱衡阳、宜章等重要的战略物资基地,宜章首富杨岳衡之子杨天星,因祖传宝藏被卷进无穷无尽的争斗中,他亲眼目睹父亲杨岳衡和姐姐杨宛昀惨死于日本人之手,家族事业也被觊觎宝藏已久的警察局局长乔守正搞垮。原本游离于时局之外的杨天星突遭巨变,精神受挫,患上了枪声恐惧症。在青梅竹马的医生、共产党员乔薇的帮助下,杨天星逐渐痊愈,并决心护好宝藏、光复杨家。宜章沦陷后,他在共产党,以及好友云朵、云虎等人的帮助下,以智谋一步步除掉了疯狂追逐宝藏的日本人和汉奸曹广德,感化了乔守正。慷慨赴死之前,将开启宝藏的钥匙交给了乔薇。
回复 :The indomitable DCI Vera Stanhope returns to face a number of daunting cases. Aided by troubled new recruit DS Aiden Healy (Kenny Doughty), they investigate a deadly blaze at a coastal caravan park, unearth a thirty-year-old mystery in an old mining community, delve into the tragic last months of a young man found floating in a farm slurry pit and uncover a life of secrets and lies when a well-loved family man plummets to his death from a multi-storey car park.Each enthralling episode is set against the breathtaking Northumberland countryside and is enhanced by the captivating performance of Brenda Blethyn as this shambolic yet brilliant detective.Inspired by the best selling novels, Vera, created by renowned crime writer Ann Cleeves. The fifth series sees the return of Jon Morrison as D.C Kenny Lockhart, Cush Jumbo as D.C. Bethany Whelan, Kingsley Ben-Adir as pathologist Marcus Summer, Riley Jones as D.C. Mark Edwards and welcomes Lisa Hammond as Intelligence Officer, Helen Milton, the newest recruit to Vera's team.