回复 :一个女记者为调查小岛女子监狱的黑暗,孤身一人以合理借口入驻此监狱。在这里,她目睹了监狱女犯们的种种不幸和遭遇。有的女犯在别的女犯掩护下,冒死与前来给监狱送工料的猛男火速偷情;有的女犯因不从狱长夫妇的严酷管理,遭到的是更无情的折磨甚至就地QB;有的女犯在没有男性的监牢管制下,自动或被迫与同监牢女犯宣泄肉欲;有的女犯眼看脱逃,却终被再次捕获投进狱中,等待她们的是惨烈的尖叫和痛不欲生的严惩。影片最后,女记者秘密带着她第一手资料,痛苦地走向监狱大门。一个长镜头,一个渐行渐远的背影,留给观众的是一颗揪着的心、是一份沉甸甸的思考。
回复 :Part road movie, part spectacle, part drama, Monsoon is Sturla Gunnarsson's meditation on chaos, creation and faith, set in the land of believers. The subject is the monsoon, the incomparably vast weather system that permeates and unifies the varied culture of India, shaping the conditions of existence for its billion inhabitants. (Tiff 2014)
回复 :At the U.S. Secret Operations Center a small group of doctors led by Kim Delaney are experimenting with a metallic skin on a frozen cadaver. This particular body is that of a secret agent that succumbed twenty years earlier to self injection of a blood sample from a...werewolf. Barry Bostwick plays the evil Colonel harboring the blueprints for this gruesome experiment. Thus the Government has given life to a wolf-like creature with metal skin. The only reason I watched this is Kim Delaney. I'd watch her do a puppet show! Also in the cast are: Brian Brophy, Carole Davis, Tim Duquette and Kane Hodder as the MetalBeast. Pretty bad movie except for the last twenty minutes or so.