回复 :地产集团高级职员王港生为人踏实,对香港前景有信心,同事兼好友邓志成则急功近利,遭副经理方国柱利用,挪用公司资源发展私帮生意,被逼辞职。港生与女友方丽儿对移民问题意见不一,加上港生与丽儿兄长早有过节,种种问题致小两口感情破裂。港生父王标身体日差,港生于是接手打理其工厂,并得到志成帮助,令工厂度过难关。另一方面,志成与港生妹美玲相恋,港生则与工厂文员朱淑敏日久生情,怎料丽儿也欲与港生重拾旧情…..
回复 :Mariano Llinás’s 868-minute La flor was one of the highlights of IFFR 2019; now, the Argentinian director is back with a film about Italian-Argentine singer Ignacio Corsini. “The greatest singer of tangos and Argentine classics”, says Llinás, who, like in La flor, regularly appears in front of the camera himself. On 9 July – Argentina’s Independence Day – Llinás sets off in Buenos Aires with his regular cameraman Agustín Mendilaharzu to re-record ‘Corsini interpreta a Blomberg y Maciel’, an album made in 1929 by lyricist Hector Pedro Blomberg and composer Enrique Maciel, as an ode to Juan Manuel de Rosas, leader of the Argentine Confederation.Llinás visits the places that feature in the songs and goes in search of the stories behind the album. Resulting in great entertainment, with songs such as ‘La pulpera de Santa Lucia’ including lyrics like ‘she was blonde, her blue eyes reflected the glory of the day, and she sang like a lark’.
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