牛牛Thea, Rene's wife, always invites her other man, Geoff, over dinner for them to make out in the house. But when a new woman, Camille, enters the picture, Thea's wild and crazy game play changes.
牛牛Thea, Rene's wife, always invites her other man, Geoff, over dinner for them to make out in the house. But when a new woman, Camille, enters the picture, Thea's wild and crazy game play changes.
回复 :The hilarious aftermath of a sleepover birthday party hypnotism gone wrong as best friends Megan and Paige, along with soon-to-be step-sister Veronica, wake up with absolutely no memory of the night before. Now they must retrace their steps to find missing birthday girl Anna Maria... and explain why there's a flock of baby ducks in the bathtub, what happened to Megan's left eyebrow, and why she's wearing unattainable hottie Jake Ramirez's (Rodriguez) signature black hoodie.
回复 :男主人公乔·赛佛(蒂姆·艾伦 Tim Allen饰)是个中规中矩的中年男人,他像所有失败的小人物一样,做梦都想成为一名“大人物”。他一直工作在明尼苏达州的一家制药公司,感叹怀才不遇,得不到应得的赏识。乔的老板本来许诺给他晋升的机会,最后却食言了。而且他的个人生活更是一团糟,他跟妻子凯丽(凯莉·林奇 Kelly Lynch饰)最后还是以离婚收场。本来这不好不坏的工作和浑浑噩噩的生活,如一汪死水般平静。直到他的同事马克(帕特里克·沃伯顿 Patrick Warburton饰)霸占了他心爱的私人泊车位,还在他早熟的女儿面前羞辱乔时,他的怒火终于被点燃了。忍无可忍的乔,决心改头换面,跟马克“决一死战”。乔是否能像所有人证明:他现在是个“大人物”?而这样的改变,到底好坏与否呢?
回复 :里兹·阿迈德将集主演、编剧、制片人于一身参与新片[穆戈尔·毛戈利](Mughal Mowgli,暂译)。该片将是纪录片导演Bassam Tariq([选举日])的剧情片处女作。影片将围绕一位英国籍巴基斯坦裔说唱歌手展开,在他第一次世界巡回演唱会的紧要关头,他却被一种表观遗传疾病打倒,而这种疾病很可能会毁掉他的演艺生涯。影片将于本月开始制作。