越战英雄军官金镇平(宋承宪 饰)新接收了一个部下荆宇真大卫(温朱万 饰),永久荆大卫的妻子钟佳欣(林智妍 饰)也随丈夫一同住进了军队官邸。镇平为佳欣的魅力所吸引无法自拔,永久以致发展出一段军中不伦之恋。该影片由执导过《方子传》、《淫乱书生》等影片的导演金大宇导演执导。一直以偶像形象示人的宋承宪首度挑战大尺度裸露戏份。
越战英雄军官金镇平(宋承宪 饰)新接收了一个部下荆宇真大卫(温朱万 饰),永久荆大卫的妻子钟佳欣(林智妍 饰)也随丈夫一同住进了军队官邸。镇平为佳欣的魅力所吸引无法自拔,永久以致发展出一段军中不伦之恋。该影片由执导过《方子传》、《淫乱书生》等影片的导演金大宇导演执导。一直以偶像形象示人的宋承宪首度挑战大尺度裸露戏份。
回复 :男主角强仔因无意中食下过期春药而变成隐形人!呢条友竟然藉著隐形呢个优势去偷咸!后来更为了要营救被贵利佬禁锢之大波老婆,…而搅出一连串荒唐画面!故事往往令人意想不到…就在隐形人强仔赶往营救大波老婆之同时,被贵利佬禁锢之老婆,在不知不觉间竟与贵利佬发生一段畸恋,令故事更加复杂
回复 :Diego is 17 and is full of life, yet fragile. His best friend Antonio knows and indulges his weaknesses, but he would also like to see him strong and masculine. One night they meet Maria, a breezy natural beauty. To show that he is a "real man", Diego, is ready to do anything, even to force himself to do things he would never have wanted to do. Written by The Open Reel
回复 :格鲁吉亚新浪潮佳作. 09年莫斯科国际电影节格鲁吉亚电影回顾单元参展片.A poetic chronicle of the events that occurred in a certain Georgian village in the late 19th century. A few intellectuals managed to rally the villagers and rise against the manufacturers in an attempt to save the forest.http://www.moscowfilmfestival.ru/eng/31/films/31100/