回复 :故事讲述勒布朗与他的小儿子多姆被人工智能困在了“华纳兄弟电影宇宙”虚拟空间,为了能安全回家,他必须率兔八哥、罗拉兔和那些不守规矩的乐一通卡通,战胜一支全明星篮球队。这场对决是勒布朗人生的最大挑战,也将重新定义他与儿子间的关系,并让勒布朗领悟到“做自己”的真谛;乐一通的小伙伴们则要打破陈规,超常发挥自己的独特技能,令勒布朗都刮目相看。然而他们面对的,是一群前所未见、所向披靡的人工智能强化型对手“末日狂徒队”,勒布朗和乐一通们真的能成功击败他们吗?
回复 :一名来自美国中部的年轻人的冒险经历和他在一战服役的经历
回复 :Bernhard, the father of Julian, Dick and Anne organized an exhibition to Egypt. Here, discover the friends after an attempted burglary an old gold amulet. So they fly with Elena, a colleague of his father, to Cairo. In Cairo Julian's father falls into a trap and is then accused of theft. Until the trial, he goes to jail. The five are trying to prove innocence Bernard and take Auni, a young pickpocket to help. This raises the question of whether they can liberate Bernhard.