回复 :With his carefree lifestyle on the line, a wealthy charmer poses as a ranch hand to get a hardworking farmer to sell her family's land before Christmas.
回复 :《好汉林松》讲述林松被奸臣韩巍所害,满门抄斩落魄异乡后,凭借武艺高强打出威望,与西夏王子结为兄弟,潜入大宋伺机报仇却再次惨遭陷害,危难时刻美丽的西夏公主舍身相救。痴情的林松却不为所动,他与死里逃生的林夫人几次擦肩而过后,再次重逢竟是在阴险的韩巍面前,等待他们的将是一场更加严酷的战争...
回复 :A dysfunctional couple head to a remote cabin to reconnect, but each has intentions to kill the other. Before they can carry out their plans, unexpected visitors arrive and they faced with a greater danger.