回复 :The story offorty-something, out-of-work washing machine repairman Rudy. He decides to takeback control of his life after a bad patch, but he notices with bitterness thatthose he abandoned along the way are not ready to welcome him with open arms.While the demons from the past come knocking at his door, a chance encounter onthe Internet will change the course of his life.
回复 :弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞([触不可及])加盟新片[红项圈](Le Collier rouge,暂译)。电影由让·贝克([与玛格丽特的午后])执导。故事发生在1919年的一个小镇,一位战争英雄被囚禁在废弃的兵营里,而一个受过良好教育的年轻妇女则沦为农民,她受够了土地上的工作。这一 切都将由一位法官来处理。改编自法国作家让-克利斯托夫•吕芬的中篇小说《红项圈》。
回复 :While on holiday in Rhodes, Athenian war hero Darios becomes involved in two different plots to overthrow the tyrannical king, one from Rhodian patriots and the other from sinister Phoenician agents.