回复 :6岁的奥古斯丁(约瑟夫·克罗斯 Joseph Cross 饰)是一个早熟的孩子,在他充满了童稚的目光里,原本应该幸福美满的家庭早已分崩离析。身为奥古斯丁的母亲,迪尔丽德(安妮特·贝宁 Annette Bening 饰)并没有将儿子的需求放在第一位,在她的眼中,自己诗人的身份和在诗坛的地位是最重要的,可实际上,甚至没有人听闻过“诗人”迪尔丽德的大名。自己的妻子整天神神叨叨,无计可施的诺曼(亚历克·鲍德温 Alec Baldwin 饰)选择了无视,失意的他只能向酒精寻求安慰。精神医生芬奇(布莱恩·考克斯 Brian Cox 饰)的到来将这个家的问题推向了新的层面,本来意在修复家庭裂痕的他居然成为了导致离婚的罪魁祸首。更令奥古斯丁感到头痛的是,母亲竟然将自己托付给了这个疯疯癫癫的蒙古大夫。
回复 :Journey from the depths of the Pacific Ocean into the far reaches of space on a quest to find something that changes everything...signs of life, somewhere else in the universe. With cutting-edge imagery from the world's most powerful telescopes, The Search for Life in Space takes audiences from the surface of Mars and the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, to the extreme lava fields of Hawaii and thermal vents deep beneath the sea. In these harsh environments, astrobiologists look for clues to how life takes hold. As this immersive adventure into the universe reveals the possibility of planets like ours, The Search for Life in Space will make you re-examine such fundamental questions as: "Where did we come from?", "How did we get here?" and "Are we alone?"
回复 :一位患有癌症的舞蹈演员、一位记忆始终停留在30年前的老年痴呆患者、一位和后妈关系失和的13岁叛逆少女、一位意外失子的海岛女教师,她们相逢在满山岛不期而遇的经历一场悲欢离合,至此也最终明白,每个人终须面对自己的难题。