杏论A documentary show about troubled girls who are are juvenile delinquents in Madison Juvenile Center
杏论A documentary show about troubled girls who are are juvenile delinquents in Madison Juvenile Center
回复 :In this new series, the director Chloé Robichaud, whose first film Sarah préfère la course had a remarkable international career after its official opening at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, takes us back to the intersecting lives of a dozen characters and offers a new look on the world of lesbians in Quebec.“As a fresco representing different women – 18 to 42 years old – each episode explores the life of one before reuniting them. It’s a little bit of a tribute, a portrait, and a wink to each woman. This is a series about love between women. Life on a daily basis, a 10- minute capsule, times 8. I hope that in these women, many will see their own realities, whether homosexual or not”, says Chloé Robichaud.Macha Limonchik and Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse join the cast composed of several talented actresses among which, Eve Duranceau, Noémie Yelle, Eliane Gagnon, Carla Turcotte, Julianne Côté, Émilie Leclerc-Côté, Alexa-Jeanne Dubé, Kimberly Laferriere and Marie-Evelyne Lessard. A few surprise guests also made memorable performances on some of the episodes.
回复 :设计师安朵朵在备婚时发现自己的未婚夫秦朗出轨,将其与小三李薇薇捉奸在床。没想到秦朗竟然没有取消婚礼,而是索性与李薇薇喜结连理。安朵朵雇了一名男子当新郎大闹秦朗与李薇薇的婚礼现场,而这名男子竟是秦氏家主秦琪……秦琪帮安朵朵出了口恶气,但他们假结婚的事情很快就被李薇薇得知,安朵朵再次陷入危机。但安朵朵从不什么好惹的角色,说了别惹前女友,这可不是闹着玩的,一场大战即将拉开序幕……
回复 :《尘封旧案》是一部由Kate Atkinson的原版小说改编而成。现代风光下的爱丁堡,私家侦探Jackson Brodie(詹森·艾萨克 Jason Isaacs 饰)是一位退役的军人和警察,外表强壮但心思缜密。他年幼的时候家庭发生过变故失去了姐姐,妹妹的丧生让他从未停止对真相的追寻。而一直以来为他未曾停止追寻姐姐死去的真相;因此他总是很难拒绝一些失去亲人的人们的求助。他接手了三宗案件,而这些案件都颇有年月,他要走向真相,首先要在黑暗里游走,受害人家庭里暗藏多年的秘密,和一些不为人知的利害关系都要被他一一揭穿。而在在查询真相的同时,等待他的同样是死亡,厄运和黑暗......