回复 :Lois Ames is devoted to her job as the editor of a magazine, and her wealthy husband Fred is equally dedicated to polo and parties. Lois's long hours drive her secretary to quit, and she replaces her with Tom Sheridan, who happens to be in the office demonstrating a rowing machine. Tom likes the work and continues to advance until he is indispensable to Lois. Ruth Holman, Tom's fiancée, is jealous of Tom's relationship with Lois and with some reason, as he is falling in love with her. In the meantime, Fred is having an affair with Ann Le Maire, a woman whose interests are closer to his own. Because he feels his love for Lois is hopeless, Tom quits his job and plans his marriage to Ruth. Lois tries to patch things up with Fred, but he suggests that they divorce instead. On Tom's last night, Lois keeps him working late. Ruth is furious and storms up to the office where Lois and Tom are dining. She threatens to tell Lois's husband about their relationship, which leaves the way clear for Lois to announce her pending divorce. Ruth breaks off her engagement to Tom, and he immediately asks Lois to marry him.
回复 :因盗窃未遂入狱的张浩刑满释放,从身为刑警的发小董政手中接回儿子雷雷,准备重新融入社会。与此同时,一伙穷凶极恶的大盗也来到了四平,目标直奔国宝文物。希望回归平静的张浩此刻还不知道,他的出狱生活即将被一场意外打破,阴差阳错的身份逆袭,令他的命运发生翻天覆地的变化。
回复 :1839年,运送黑奴的阿米斯塔德号在大洋上遭遇暴风雨,黑奴们趁乱暴动,将船员砍杀,控制了阿米斯塔德号后试图驶回家乡,然而六周后,他们阴差阳错抵达了美国,幸存下来的44名黑奴被美国军方逮捕,并将面临杀人罪的指控。此时,西班牙女王向美国总统要求引渡这些属于西班牙的黑奴;两名海军军官也宣称黑奴是他们的战利品;另有人拿出了在古巴购买这些黑奴的证明。各方争执之际,废奴会的领袖之一、同时也是船公司负责人的乔德森(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)与友人塔培安雇佣了律师罗杰,希望证明这些黑奴来自非洲,从而在废奴观念深入人心的大环境下为他们谋取自由……