回复 :约翰(本·卓别林 Ben Chaplin 饰)是小镇上的银行职员,多年来孤独而又单调的生活让他的感情世界空虚异常,在寂寞的驱使下,他竟然鬼使神差地在一个名为“爱在俄罗斯”的交友网站上订购了一位俄罗斯女郎纳迪亚(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)。在网站资料介绍中,纳迪亚个性开朗温柔贤惠,更妙的是,她还会说一口流利的英语,和约翰之间的交流基本上没有障碍。然而,当约翰满心欢喜地到机场去接远道而来的纳迪亚之时,他才发现,她所谓的流利英语,只有一个单词,那就是“yes”。随着时间的推移,约翰渐渐发现了纳迪亚的美妙之处,她所绽放出来的激情和魅力足以抵消其他的所有不足。纳迪亚的生日很快就要来临,约翰准备替她准备一场隆重的庆祝,此刻的他还不知道,那日,两个不速之客的到来将彻底改变他的命运。
回复 :Mannheim-Heidelberg International FilmfestivalYearResultAwardCategory/Recipient(s)1969 Won Grand PrizeDusan HanákA government official in Czechoslovakia mistakenly believes he has cancer. He reasons his involvement in clandestine activities during the Stalin administration have fated him to die from a dreaded disease. He searches for inner peace as he feels the guilt of his past transgressions. This film tied for the Grand Prize at the Mannheim Film Festival in 1969.Slovak director Dusan Hanak was one of Czech cinema's brightest and best talents of the '60s and '70s, but because of censorship this was not manifest until the late '80s. Dusan made an impact on the film world with his auspicious debut 322 (1969). Though banned until 1988, when it was finally released, it earned international acclaim and the Grand Prix award at the Mannheim Film Festival. Hanak's sophomore effort, the documentary Obrazy Stareho Sveta/Image of an Old World (completed in 1972), was also not released until 1988 and neither was his 1980 film Ja Milujem, Ty Milujes/I Love You, You Love. Only Hanak's 1976 film Ruzove Sny/Rose-Tinted Dreams passed muster with censors and saw a timely release.
回复 :本片为1963年第二届金马奖优等剧情片,为大师李翰祥执导,王月汀编剧,由金马影后李丽华饰传奇天后武则天,赵雷饰唐高宗,另有丁宁与二位导演罗维、胡金铨主演,张冲、张仲文及严俊客串。故事描述,武则天有倾国之貌,绝世才华;年十四,唐太宗召为才人;及太宗崩,武入感业寺为比丘尼……