草莓An anthropology professor's obsession with a paranormal mystery threatens her job, marriage, and sanity as she fights to find a missing student.
草莓An anthropology professor's obsession with a paranormal mystery threatens her job, marriage, and sanity as she fights to find a missing student.
回复 :John Alexander’s wife, Helen, has left him for her lesbian lover. As she speeds away from their mansion for the last time, her Jaguar explodes and she is killed. As the weeks pass, police detectives begin to suspect Helen’s death to be murder with John as a prime suspect. Still devastated by the loss, John slips into a deep depression until he views a recently made lesbian porn film that appears to feature his dead wife! He becomes obsessed with finding the woman in the film and his search propels him into the sleazy porno underworld of drugs and mobsters, with the police detectives one step behind him.
回复 :普赖斯上校每年都会在他的英国乡间别墅为他在战争期间协调的反纳粹抵抗团体的成员(主要是德国人)举行一次团圆聚会。 他在1943年接管了该组织,当时创建该组织的领导人被纳粹谋杀。 现在他得知自己的前任被该团体中的某人出卖了,他打算在今年的团圆活动专门查明到底谁是叛徒。
回复 :因果前的鬼哭狼嚎;灯红酒绿,车水马龙,一场金融危机如乌云密布般笼罩着全球,主人翁被魔咒似的背负着荆棘,公司一夜间负债累累,七零八落,仿佛如井中之娃死死被套牢进退两难……此时唯一能做的就是快速处理固定资产……跟妻子徐晓雯商议后神速的承包了一家古建筑酒楼……酒楼在苦苦经营后有了些许回头客,生意还算红火……又一日,客人散去,夜深之时,酒楼里总是传来奔跑的脚步声,使人不寒而栗,徐晓雯颤颤巍巍的开灯起身,她的身体在深夜里如幽灵般鲜明……她打开二楼包房的灯,一个长发及腰面容如白玉,眼睛如空灵深陷的红衣女子张开血盆大口向徐晓雯侵蚀,徐晓雯来回躲闪,她迅速操起身旁的凳子砸向红衣女子,红衣女子已消失夜色……徐晓雯摸索着墙角准备回房,身后又一个身影从余光闪过,徐晓雯嘶声尖叫,王宇跑来紧紧搂住她,徐晓雯的瞳孔似乎被吓散了,支支吾吾无法开口……酒楼的离奇失踪事件不断发生,一段骇人听闻的故事揭开神秘面纱,是爱,是恨,一一呈现……