回复 :动画《交响诗篇》的剧场版动画《交响诗篇 超进化》续作预计于11月10日正式上映,正式片名定为《ANEMONE交响诗篇超进化》,宣传PV今日公开。故事以TV动画《交响诗篇》中最初的东京为舞台,故事主要围绕7年前丧父的安妮莫奈展开。
回复 :This documentary tells the forgotten stories of some of the most influential personal computer pioneers in the San Francisco Bay Area. In the late 1960s, big mainframe computers owned by large corporations and the government were seen as tools of control. The Hippie movement and the anti-Vietnam war protests served as a hotbed for a revolutionary idea: creating an affordable home computer to be used by ordinary people as a counterbalance to Big Brother. Well, the rest is history, but what has happened to the early ideals and the initial ethos of free sharing? As one of the visionaries puts it: "It's true that what I helped to create is today's establishment. That's what I was trying to get rid of: the establishment."
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