回复 :年幼的爱力克兄弟十分思念去世的母亲,不惜触犯炼金术中最大的禁忌,进行了人体炼成。可是炼成失败了,哥哥爱德华失去了左腿与右臂,弟弟阿尔冯斯失去了肉体,只能把灵魂附身在一副铠甲上。为了偿还他们自己的罪,找回失去的一切,兄弟二人踏上了寻找传说中的“贤者之石”的旅程。几年后,一位右臂与左腿都是由“机械铠甲”替代的国家炼金术士出现在人们的眼前,他被称作“钢之炼金术师”。
回复 :Between February and October 1917, Imperial Russia, once deemed eternal, plunges into revolution. Nine months of popular and spontaneous revolt, fueled by the weariness of the Great War. Nine months of hopes, freedom and democratic aspirations, chronicled at that time by a journalist stationed in Petrograd, shedding a new light on this period. Nine months of unrest and uncertainties, before a coup brought about an upheaval that changed the course of History and profoundly altered the future of civilization.
回复 :乡村平凡少年王林,为了心中不屈的信念踏入仙门修行,克服天资不足的困境,逆流而上,积极面对苦难与挑战,不断突破自我,最终将命运始终牢牢地把握在自己手中!