产亚Story about Ji Gong, a Chan Buddhist monk that has a supernatural powers, which he used to help the poor and stand up to injustice. This movie tell one of his adventures.
产亚Story about Ji Gong, a Chan Buddhist monk that has a supernatural powers, which he used to help the poor and stand up to injustice. This movie tell one of his adventures.
回复 :Grounded in South African folklore, this moody, menacing supernatural thriller follows a white family newly arrived on an inherited farm. Soon after moving in, they meet a mysterious local outcast named Lazarus, who carries with him a dark secret that will put everyone at risk. With evocative images, spine-tingling sound-design, and a terrific central performance by Tshamano Sebe, director Harold Hölscher conjures up both visceralscares and a heartbreaking narrative.
回复 :剧情惊险恐怖,环环相扣。高中生艾利克斯-伯朗宁(德文•萨瓦 Devon Sawa 饰)与7名同班同学登机前往巴黎。起飞前,他突然预感到恐怖的一幕:飞机将会在空中爆炸。艾利克斯非常惊恐,大喊飞机即将出事,大家要立刻下机,结果混乱中他和其余6名乘客被机组人员赶了出来。但是,被艾利克斯不幸言中,飞机在半空中爆炸,全部人员罹难。所有下了机的人都在庆幸大难不死,却不知死神还是不愿放过他们。接下来,等待他们的将会是更恐怖的死亡方式和更难逃脱的死亡命运。而艾利克斯又能从各人的死亡顺序里面发现什么秘密,在死神的魔爪中逃出生天?
回复 :洛基电影的第五集。自从上一集洛基(西尔维斯特•史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)击败了苏联的拳击机械人后,他决意归隐,从此过些安安乐乐的日子。阴险商人杜克(东尼•布顿 Tony Burton 饰)是拳击经理人,利用拳击手赚黑心钱,他高薪引诱洛基投到他门下,洛基不为所动,断然拒绝了他的邀请。退隐后的洛基还是没有离开拳击,他的好友拳击教练米克死后留下了一座拳击训练馆,洛基继承了米克的事业,每天到拳击馆里训练新人。年轻拳手绰号“机枪”的涛米极具天分,洛基倾其所有传授米涛拳术,米涛在洛基的帮助很快就跻身了优秀拳手的行列。成名后的米涛被名声和金钱所蒙蔽,投到了杜克的帐下,成了杜克阴谋的一枚棋子。怒不可遏的洛基决定用自己的手段拯救米涛!