回复 :Ayse/Eleni who is a member of a Greek family in Turkey is forced to immigrate from Trabzon to Mersin in her early ages. However, the events that happen cause her to face her own past.
回复 :The story offorty-something, out-of-work washing machine repairman Rudy. He decides to takeback control of his life after a bad patch, but he notices with bitterness thatthose he abandoned along the way are not ready to welcome him with open arms.While the demons from the past come knocking at his door, a chance encounter onthe Internet will change the course of his life.
回复 :这是个很朴素的爱情故事,一边是坚守着1年后再见面的诺言,一边则是3个晚上一见钟情式的热恋。是非取舍之间,犹豫挣扎的是女主人公Natalia。对一年的不知不闻感到不可思议的是男主人公Mario。在最后一个晚上,当Natalia刚刚放下心中的防御,准备接受Mario的请求的时候,却发现她等待了一年的那个男人站在那边的桥头……意大利导演维斯康提改编俄国作家陀思妥耶夫斯基的作品,将俄罗斯变成威尼斯,把宏篇改成小品,维斯康提驾驭体裁的能力让人信服。